Film Synopsis - Psychological thriller
In their teenage years boy (psycho killer) and girl (Hostage) are best friends. The boy loves the girl but she doesn't know. He proposes to her after getting the wrong impression she says no and he later turns into a psychopath. He goes round killing people in weird twisted ways. After 10 years of being apart (In different city's) he finds her living in Cambridge. He goes to the office where she works and confronts her after watching her and killing the person she is with. She doesn't know it is the boy from teenage years. He pretends that he has killed the guy that proposed to her (him) And she breaks down and cries how much she loved him. He tells her that its okay because the guy that proposed is actually him, he takes of the mask. She says how much she doesn't want him any more because of all the killing. He kills himself.Labels: Jam, Phil, Sheridan, steve |